Welcome to the OUSD Personnel Commission
Meet the OUSD Personnel Commission
OUSD Merit System Rules and Regulations
Personnel Commission Scheduled Meetings and Agendas
Personnel Commission Annual Report 2023-24
Merit System Director - John Walker
805-640-4300 x1007 or
805-844-2456 cell phone
Ojai Unified School District Personnel Commission
The PERSONNEL COMMISSION, a three-member, independent body, is the mainstay of the Merit System. The Commission is responsible for the crucial role of selection and retention of the District’s classified staff. One commissioner is appointed by the Board of Education, another is appointed by the Classified employees through their exclusive representative, CSEA (California School Employees Association). The third commissioner is appointed by the two other commissioners.
The Commissioners are responsible for guaranteeing that employment, retention, and promotion for all Classified employees are based on Merit System principles. To keep abreast of changes in personnel administration, Ojai’s Personnel Commissioners are members of the California School Personnel Commissioners Association, the Personnel Commissioners Association of Southern California, California Association of School Business Officials, and the Tri-Counties School Personnel Association.
The OUSD Merit Rules and Regulations provides an overview of the Merit System, the employment system utilized by the Ojai Unified School District for classified employees.
The Personnel Commission ensures that:
The Merit System principles as defined in Chapter 5, Article 6 of the California Education Code are administrated as legislated:
§ The hiring and promotion of employees on the basis of ability, with open competition in initial appointment.
§ Providing fair competition.
§ Retention of employees on the basis of performance; correcting inadequate performance, and separating those employees whose inadequate performance cannot be corrected.
§ Assurance of fair treatment of applicants and employees in all aspects of personnel administration without regard to race, color, sex, political affiliation, national origin or religious creed, and with proper regard for their privacy and constitutional rights as citizens.
§ The protection of employees against political coercion, and the prohibition of the use of an official position to affect an election or nomination for office.