As of January 1, 2016, State law mandated that parents/guardians of students enrolled in or who are seeking to enroll in any private or public school were no longer allowed to submit a religious or personal belief exemption (PBE) as a means of exempting a student from a vaccine that was currently required by law.
We believe it is imperative that you are provided with clear and consistent information related to this new law prior to the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year. We have outlined the immunization requirements below. A copy of the “Parent’s Guide to Immunizations Required for School Entry” can be found on this Web page.
Students with disabilities must be immunized in accordance with the law. However, the law does not prohibit an under-immunized student with an IEP from accessing any special education and related services required by his or her IEP. For Further information regarding Special Education Students please call Robin Monson, Director of Special Education at (805) 640-4300 ext. 1016.
If you need any further information please call Sherrill Knox, Assistant Superintendent, at (805) 640-4300 ext. 1011.