Universal TK
Universal TK is available to all 4-year-olds in 2023/24 School Year at Meiners Oaks School. Student must turn 4 years old by September 1, 2023.
Click image below for information on our Universal TK program.
The Heart and Future Of Ojai

A Place To Grow Preschool is an inclusion preschool program that embodies the values, policies, and practices that support the right of every child and his/her family, regardless of ability, to participate in a broad range of activities. The desired results of inclusive experiences for children with and without disabilities and their families include a sense of belonging and membership, positive social relationships and friendships, and development and learning to reach one's full potential. To submit a registration form to A Place To Grow, please click here . For more information on A Place to Grow, please view our "virtual tour" presentation in English here and in Spanish here , visit A Place to Grow's website here, or contact Director Sherrie Damas at sdamas@ojaiusd.org.
Elementary Schools
Mira Monte Elementary

Mira Monte Elementary School
Located at 1216 Loma Drive, in the heart of the Mira Monte community, Mira Monte Elementary is a traditional K - 6th grade school. Visit the school's website here or contact Principal Katherine White at kwhite@ojaiusd.org for more information.
Topa Topa Elementary

Topa Topa Elementary School
Located at 916 Mountain View Avenue, nestled in the residential neighborhood located in downtown Ojai. Topa Topa is a traditional K - 8th grade school. Visit the school's website here or contact Principal Dawn Damianos at ddamianos@ojaiusd.org for more information.

Nordhoff Jr High/High School is a traditional 7th-12th high school, located at 1401 Maricopa Highway, with an average enrollment of 1000 students. For more information on Nordhoff High School please visit the website here or contact Principal Dave Monson at dmonson@ojaiusd.org

Legacy High School is a continuation 11th-12th grade school, located in the heart of Ojai at 414 E. Ojai Avenue, with an average enrollment of 50 students. For more information on Legacy High School please visit the website here or contact Principal Javier Ramirez at jramirez@ojaiusd.org

Summit School is a non-classroom based program for TK/K-12th grades. The learning program offered at Summit School is individualized for each student, with parent and teacher collaboration, using a possible combination of online learning, project-based activities and traditional curriculum. The majority of work is done through a homeschool/independent study model where parents deliver daily instruction and are supported through regular meetings with an advising teacher. For more information on Summit School please visit the website here or contact Principal Debby West at debby.west@ojaiusd.org.
A partnership between OUSD and Rock Tree Sky school, an educational enrichment program, allows students who are enrolled in Summit School an opportunity to attend enrichment classes two days a week at Rock Tree Sky School at no cost.