Welcome to the OUSDs Health Services Page

We are committed to promoting the well-being of all students by providing comprehensive health support and resources to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment.

When should I keep my student home from school?

Overall, not feeling well: STAY HOME if any new illness or symptom prevents a child from participating meaningfully in routine activities.

Fever: STAY HOME if a fever is of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher. 

Vomiting: STAY HOME if vomiting has occurred 2 or more times in 24 hours.

Diarrhea: STAY HOME if your child’s stool is likely to leak from the diaper, or if they are unlikely to make it to the toilet in time (if potty trained). If the stool looks bloody or black, seek medical attention.

When can my student return to school after an illness?

Ensure your child meets all of the following criteria before sending them back to school:

  • Fever-free for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medication

  • No vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours 

  • Improvement in symptoms, such as cough, congestion, or sore throat

  • Complete any recommended treatment or medication course

Strategies for Illness Prevention:

  1. Wash Hands Regularly:  Teach your child the importance of washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating, after using the restroom, and after coughing or sneezing. Hand hygiene is one of the simplest ways to prevent the spread of germs.

  2. Cover Coughs and Sneezes: Teach your child to cover their mouths and noses with a tissue or their elbow when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of tissues properly, and wash hands immediately after.

  3. Get Vaccinated: Encourage everyone to stay up-to-date on their vaccinations, including flu shots, as recommended by healthcare providers. Vaccination is a critical step in preventing the spread of many infectious diseases.

  4. Practice Healthy Habits: Promote healthy eating, regular exercise, and adequate sleep, all of which help boost the immune system. A strong immune system can help fight off infections.

  5. Stay Home When Sick: If your child is not feeling unwell, it's important to stay home to avoid spreading illness. Symptoms like fever, chills, and body aches are common signs of contagious illnesses.

Staff Directory


Haley Hernandez, RN. BSN.

Ojai Unified District Nurse

Email: hhernandez@ojaiusd.org

Phone: (805) 640-4300 ext. 1010

"It All Starts With A Healthy Child"

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