As part of OUSD's closely-held values of inclusion and innovation, we believe that all of our students should have equal access to 21st century tools they need to solve problems, and prepare for their next steps in post-secondary education or career. We know that technology doesn’t replace great teaching, it supplements it and extends our abilities. As an important part of this student-centered vision, we're excited to announce OUSD's 1:1 device rollout across all secondary campuses.
All middle school students received a Chromebook that they can use at school and at home for the next five years.
This year, Matilija Middle School just adopted StudySync - an online English Language Arts platform with enrichment opportunities for History and Science curriculum - this is a key reason why the timing was right to move to 1:1 adoption. In order for students to access these pieces of the curriculum, they need a device in school and at home. This will be the future for all of our schools as new curriculum is adopted each year. The online platform does not replace the textbook, instead it provides additional interactive and differentiated materials and activities beyond the textbook.
To enhance students’ effective use of the Chromebooks, IT staff developed use parameters, setting up Google Classroom to enhance effectiveness in assigning, collecting, and evaluating student work.
Part of this process is to protect these devices, which included our IT department tagging all chromebooks. As part of the rollout, parents were offered the opportunity to sign up for insurance on each device to ensure devices are protected over the lifetime of the device.
OUSD 1:1 device initiative is a collaborative effort of teachers, IT department, OUSD's partner organizations and leadership.