Go Rangers!

OUSD has a policy that prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, immigration status, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

OUSD accommodates the interests and abilities in athletics of both sexes by any one of the following means:

(a)Opportunities for interscholastic-level participation for male and female students are substantially proportionate to their respective enrollments. (EC § 230[d][1])

(b)The history of the program and continuing practice of expansion are responsive to the developing interest and abilities of members of the sex that has been and is underrepresented among interscholastic athletes. (EC § 230[d][2])

(c)Interests and abilities of the underrepresented sex have been fully and effectively accommodated by the present program. (EC § 230[d][3])

Athletes Bill of Rights--click here

Athletic Director
Rene Nakao-Mauch,  (805) 640-4343 ext. 1770

Athletic Secretary

Kyle Poe, (805) 640-4343 ext. 1764

Athletic Administrator
Marshall Webb, (805) 640-4343 ext. 1761


Parents must complete and sign the top portion of the physical form before the student will be seen. 

Print Sports Physical Form in English in Spanish

High School Athletic Handbook for Parents and Students PDF

Junior High School Athletic Handbook for Parents and Students (PDF)

How to register online?
Go To

The petition below is intended for student-athlete/artists who possess a GPA of 4.0 or higher, are enrolled in multiple programs whose practices may conflict, or have employment conflicts.

Nordhoff Petition for No Credit

The petition below is intended for student-athlete/artists who did not earn the required quarterly 2.0 GPA to participate in athletic competition and/or artistic performances.

Nordhoff Academic Probation Petition



Cross Country - Boys & Girls Varsity, Junior Varsity 

Water Polo - Boys Varsity, Junior Varsity 

Football - Co-Ed Varsity, Junior Varsity 

Golf - Girls Varsity

Volleyball - Girls Varsity, Junior Varsity, Frosh/Soph 

Tennis - Girls Varsity, Junior Varsity 

Cheer - Sideline Varsity, Junior Varsity


Basketball - Boys Varsity, Junior Varsity, Frosh/Soph

Basketball - Girls Varsity, Junior Varsity

Soccer - Boys Varsity, Junior Varsity

Soccer - Girls Varsity, Junior Varsity

Water Polo - Girls Varsity, Junior Varsity

Wrestling - Boys & Girls Varsity, Junior Varsity

Competition Cheer (Co-Ed) Varsity


Baseball Varsity, Junior Varsity

Softball Varsity, Junior Varsity

Tennis - Boys Varsity

Golf - Boys Varsity

LaCrosse - Girls Varsity, Junior Varsity

Swimming - Boys & Girls Varsity, Junior Varsity

Track - Boys & Girls Varsity, Junior Varsity

Volleyball - Boys Varsity, Junior Varsity



Nordhoff prioritizes academics and citizenship over athletics. Nordhoff believes athletics can play an integral part of a high school student’s overall development, and Nordhoff strongly encourages the participation of all students with interest in any particular sport. Nordhoff strives to use athletics as a means of promoting the values of teamwork, good sportsmanship, communication, time management, pride in accomplishments, goal-setting and camaraderie. Nordhoff’s student-athletes represent all of Nordhoff High School and the Ojai community in public ways that non-student athletes do not, and therefore they are held to a higher standard of behavior. It is a privilege to represent Nordhoff High School as a student-athlete; it is not an educational right of any student to be a member of a Nordhoff athletic team.

Any Nordhoff student who is eligible for athletic participation by virtue of grades, citizenship, residence and age as outlined by the CIF Blue Book and who meets all of Nordhoff’s Academic and Attendance criteria, is strongly encouraged to try out for any sport offered by the school. Only full-time (defined in the Athletic Eligibility section) Nordhoff students may represent the school and participate in Nordhoff athletics. Nordhoff administration may remove a student athlete from any athletic team for any reason, at any point in the season, if it is deemed the student athlete is not properly representing the school, our teachers, our student body and the Ojai community.


I. CIF Eligibility - All Nordhoff student-athletes must meet all minimum CIF eligibility criteria as stated by the CIF Blue Book. 

Outside Competition - A student on a high school team becomes ineligible if the student competes in a contest on an “outside” (club) team, in the same sport, during the student’s high school season of sport. See Bluebook Bylaw 600 for potential exceptions. 

II. All of the following Nordhoff Academic Eligibility Criteria Must Be Met:

1.   Minimum of a 2.0 GPA from the preceding quarter

a) GPA’s checked quarterly on designated “eligibility check” days

b) If a student athlete does not meet eligibility standards from a preceding quarter, they…

  • shall not not participate in games until current quarter grades make them eligible, as determined at the future designated eligibility check dates

  • may practice with team with coaches’ approval

  • may apply for an academic probationary waiver. (Click this link to access the paperwork)

    • a student athlete may not have two or more “F’s” in a grading period to be able to use the academic probation petition

    • a student athlete may use the academic waiver no more than two times during their entire high school experience

    • Students may qualify for a 2nd academic probation petition by earning a 2.0 gpa for at least two quarter grading periods after the 1st probationary period is approved.

2. A student-athlete must be enrolled in a full schedule of academic classes, which means no less than 20 units per semester of coursework for which they receive a grade at each official grading period and keep them on-track for graduation This can be a combination of classes during the 0-6 period day, as well as courses offered through Edgenuity each semester. Depending on the grade level of the student and other factors, the number of periods which constitutes a “full schedule” is determined by the Nordhoff administration. 

3. Student-athletes must maintain at least 60 citizenship points in order to compete in any athletic contest. Citizenship points are updated regularly and can be checked on Canvas. 

4.   Ineligible athletes who remain part of a team may not be excused early from school to attend an athletic contest.

5.  Student-athletes who quit a sport (quitting is different from being dropped) have not fulfilled their sport participation agreement and will receive an “F” grade and will not receive academic credit for that season. In addition, the student-athlete will not be allowed to participate in any other sport until the season of the sport the athlete has quit is completed. 

NOTE: Nordhoff enforces these minimum eligibility standards for athletics participation. Coaches may set higher, additional standards for participation in contests as long as student-athletes have been given written notice and signed consent of these standards. 

III. All of the following Nordhoff Attendance Eligibility Criteria Must Be Met:

  1. Competition - Student-athletes who are absent for any class period of the day of an athletic contest shall not be allowed to participate in that contest unless prior arrangements are made with the Athletic Administrator or Athletic Director (not the coach). Parents should strive to avoid scheduling doctor/dentist appointments during the school day. If it cannot be avoided, and the student will miss any period of the school day, parents must contact the Athletic Administrator or the Athletic Director with the student-athlete’s name, sport, date, time of appointment, and expected time of return to school. Please give at least 12 hours notice prior to the absence. The student/athlete must follow the proper check-in and checkout procedure.  They must also bring a signed note from the doctor’s office stating the time of the appointment and the time of departure. Parent excusal for personal reasons is not an acceptable excused absence. Other unavoidable circumstances may be considered (ie. funerals) provided it is supported by corresponding documents.

The Athletic Director will strive to notify the coaches and student-athletes regarding decisions for eligibility/ineligibility prior to the start of the contest. However, if it is not possible, the ineligible student-athlete may be removed from the contest at any point.

  1. Practice - Student-athletes must be present for at least 2/3 of their school day in order to be eligible to practice. The portion of the day missed must be for a legally excusable absence.  For example, the student-athlete may not be truant for two classes, attend the rest of the day, and attend practice. If the student-athlete has a signed note from the doctor’s office stating the time of the appointment and the time of departure, they must return to school in a timely manner and submit the note to the attendance office. The student/athlete must follow the proper check-in and checkout procedure.  The Athletic Administrator, Athletic Director or Athletic Secretary will notify the coach if a student-athlete is ineligible for practice. 

  2. Student-athletes are expected to attend every practice and contest of their athletic season, particularly if PE credit and grades are issued, unless prior authorization is granted by the Athletic Administrator.  Failure to communicate with coaches/Athletic Director/Athletic Administrator about absences from practices/contests during the season of sport may result in a lower or a failing grade, or removal from the team with no PE credit. If the student-athlete quits before the season ends, they will not receive PE credit and will earn an F. (See previous page policy).

NOTE:  Four semesters (20 credits) of PE and passing four of six components on the California State Physical Fitness Test are required for graduation by the State of California. Successful completion of a single athletics season with a passing grade is the equivalent of one semester of PE (5 credits). Variable credits for an incomplete season are typically not given, but may be at the discretion of the Athletic Director/Athletic Administrator


All OUSD student athletes must be transported in an OUSD approved vehicle.

In case private vehicles need to be used to transport any student-athlete to/from school/home to an athletic contest, the driver of the vehicle must complete and sign the OUSD-approved Parent Driver Packet and return it to the Athletic Department for approval. No driver is authorized until expressed approval by the Athletic Administration has been given. The approval is valid until the expiration of the driver’s license or insurance policy period, or until the DMV Driver record on file has exceeded 365 days. 

Nordhoff Administration shall deny any person authorization who:

  1. Does not possess a valid driver’s license

  2. Does not have automobile liability insurance that meets minimum state requirements, 

  3. Is insured as an “assigned risk”

  4. Takes medication or has a physical condition that could affect driving safety

  5. Is less than 21 years of age

  6. Is deemed unfit for any other reason that Nordhoff Administration believes may compromise student-athlete transportation safety

The Athletic Department will evaluate the answers provided by the applicant driver and Nordhoff Administration will sign the form indicating approval of the volunteer driver.

NOTE: Under no circumstances shall a private vehicle be permitted to transport more than seven (7) passengers plus the driver, or more than (1) handicapped person confined to a wheelchair or more than the number of persons for which the vehicle has working safety belts.

This policy is designed to assure school personnel and parents that student-athletes transported in private vehicles are done so safely, in sound vehicles, driven by competent, insured and licensed drivers. 

Student-athletes are required to return from away contests in the same vehicle and with the same authorized driver that transported them to the contest unless otherwise expressly permitted by the Athletic Director or Athletic Administrator (not the coach). Parents may complete the Student Transportation Permission Form from the Nordhoff Administration allowing their child to be transported home from an athletic contest by another parent driver or by themselves during a season. This authorization request form must be submitted and approved in advance of any away contest, with sufficient time for review. Authorizations are valid for the remainder of the school year or until revoked by either the parent or Nordhoff Administration.

Athletes need to communicate with their coach ahead of time if they wish to go home with their parents.  This will allow us to avoid unnecessary transportation costs if a bus is not needed.

For safety purposes, any student-athlete that is transported home or to away contest by an unauthorized driver or vehicle will have a disciplinary consequence. 


  1. No student-athlete shall be allowed to practice, attend tryouts, be issued any equipment or uniform until they have registered completely with Home Campus, provided a hard copy of their Ojai Unified Athletic Physical Form (English version) (Spanish version) and are approved by the Athletic Department.

  2. Coaches must have emergency treatment releases, either digitally or on paper, in their possession during all athletic contests, both home and away, as well as for all practices. 


  1. Injury Procedure

    1. All athletes must report all injuries to the coach.

    2. Coaches will fill out the NHS Injury Report and report all injuries to the Athletic Administrator or Director who will determine whether or not the injury requires a Return-To-Play authorization. Coaches may not make this determination themselves.

    3. The coach must notify parents/guardians of any injury they believe may require medical attention, including but not limited to broken bones, suspected concussion, allergic reactions, breathing issues, etc.

    4. Any student-athlete who is suspected to be concussed, or whose parent states a suspicion of concussion, must be diagnosed or cleared by an MD/DO and must follow the CIF Return-To-Play Protocol, per California state law AB2127. 

    5. All Return-To-Play releases must be submitted to the Athletic Secretary and processed by the Athletic Director or Athletic Administrator before the athlete may resume practices and/or competition. 


Classroom-Based, Disciplinary Referral Policy

For all classroom disciplinary referrals, student-athletes may miss, at minimum, the next scheduled contest after the incident which caused the referral, which may be the same day of the referral. 

Suspendable Violations 

For all violations of the education code that may result in a suspension, or alternative to suspension, the student-athlete shall miss, at minimum, the next scheduled contest after the incident, which may be the same day. If the violation of the education code results in an out-of-school suspension, athletes may not practice or compete with the team nor attend any practices, games or team events until they return to school after their suspension ends. Depending on the nature of the education code violation, the student-athlete may be withheld from practice and could be removed from the team for the duration of the season.

Substance Abuse Violations

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco negatively affect a student athlete’s physical well-being and performance in athletics. District policy prohibits the use of smoke or smokeless tobacco products. Student athletes who use, possess, or are under the influence of a controlled substance, including alcoholic beverages or intoxicants of any kind, at any time, while on or off school grounds, are in violation of this policy and will be disciplined. 

A student’s locker is the property of the District and the administration reserves the right to examine it and its contents at any time with reasonable suspicion. Each student is encouraged to make sure that the locker is kept securely locked at all times and should not share the combination with any other student. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. 

Tobacco and Nicotine Offenses: Ed code violation 48900(h)

Violations of this education code during a school year will result in the following progressive disciplinary steps:

1st time offense:

The student-athlete shall miss all practices, games and team events during the suspension, or alternative to suspension, time period.

2nd time offense: 

The student-athlete shall be suspended from competition for a 2 week period from the date of the violation and may not attend games as a player or as a spectator.

3rd time offense: 

The student-athlete shall be suspended from competition for a 4 week period from the date of the violation and may not attend games as a player or as a spectator.

4th time offense:

Removal from athletics for the remainder of the school year.

Drug and Alcohol Offenses: Ed code violation 48900(c)

Violations of this education code during a school year will result in the following progressive disciplinary steps:

1st time offense:

The student-athlete shall be suspended from competition for a 2 week period from the date of the violation and may not attend games as a player or as a spectator.

2nd time offense: 

The student-athlete shall be suspended from competition for a 4 week period from the date of the violation and may not attend games as a player or as a spectator.

3rd time offense: 

Removal from athletics for the remainder of the school year.


Student-athletes that are suspended for classroom/school-based (non-athletic) incidents may be given athletic consequences in addition to their suspension from school, and they may be removed from their athletic team. Student-athletes who are suspended as students or as athletes may not attend practices or contests as spectators.


Student-athletes must avoid any kind of social media post, pictorial or textual, that disparages, embarrasses or harasses faculty and staff members, athletic teams, artistic/performance groups, coaches, fans, referees, athletic opponents, and other students (e.g., teammates, student-athletes of other schools, teams, etc.). Student-athletes’ digital communication, posts, etc. must not reflect poorly on Nordhoff High School in any way. Student-athletes must be especially aware that as a result of their participation in Nordhoff athletics, they have a high public profile (i.e., the public nature of athletic contests and performances, Nordhoff insignia on uniforms) and thus their digital behavior will experience more scrutiny. Any pictures of students in Nordhoff uniforms or in any clothing with Nordhoff letters/logos should be carefully evaluated for appropriateness prior to posting. 

Failure to exercise good judgment and any violation of this policy will result in immediate disciplinary action. Depending on the severity of the infraction, consequences range from an in-house suspension, suspension from school, suspension from one or more athletic contests and/or lowering of athletic class grades, to immediate removal from a team. All cases will be reviewed individually by the Nordhoff Administration.


Any student-athlete ejected by a referee from a contest, according to CIF rules, must do the following in order to return to competition:

A mandatory parent and player meeting with the Athletic Director and/or Athletic Administrator

A mandatory minimum of a one-game suspension; Nordhoff Administration may remove the student-athlete from the team depending on the severity of the infraction even if it is a first ejection for the student-athlete.

Use this link to access player conduct.

Ejection Policy.pdf



  1. Student athletes and coaches must show respect to all school personnel, officials, players and fans, and are expected to display excellent sportsmanship at all times. Inappropriate behavior including but not limited to temper tantrums, foul language, obscene gestures, throwing equipment, baiting opponents, cheating of any kind, etc. will not be tolerated. Disciplinary action, including possible removal from the team, will be determined by Nordhoff Administration. 

  2. Student-athletes will dress in accordance with school rules when acting as a team-member. 

  3. As a condition of membership in the CIF, all schools shall adopt policies prohibiting the use and abuse of androgenic/anabolic steroids. All member schools shall have participating students and their parents, legal guardian/caregiver agree that the athlete will not use steroids without the written prescription of a fully licensed physician (as recognized by the AMA) to treat a medical condition (Article 523). By signing below, both the participating student athlete and the parents, legal guardian/caregiver hereby agree that the student shall not use androgenic/anabolic steroids without the written prescription of a fully licensed physician (as recognized by the AMA) to treat a medical condition. We recognize that under CIF Bylaw 202, there could be penalties for false or fraudulent information. We also understand that the Nordhoff High School policy regarding the use of illegal drugs will be enforced for any violations of these rules.


Nordhoff Athletics supports CIF’s Pursuing Victory with Honor program (Pursuing Victory With Honor.pdf)

  1. Parents and spectators must display excellent sportsmanship. Spectators must respect players, coaches and officials.

  2. Parents and spectators shall cheer for their team, not against opponents. Booing, profanity or demeaning chants are prohibited, whether it be directed towards coaches, players, officials or opposing fans, as is calling out or talking to specific players on opposing teams.

  3. Parents and spectators must help provide a safe and fun athletic competitive environment; throwing any items onto the court, field of play, pool, etc. or surrounding area can cause injury to players and officials and will not be tolerated.

  4. Support the referees and coaches by trusting their judgment and integrity.

  5. Be responsible for your own safety – be aware of potential hazards of the game

  6. Respect locker rooms as private areas for players, coaches and officials.

  7. Be supportive after the game – win or lose. Recognize and praise good effort, teamwork and sportsmanship of both teams. 

  8. All Spectators attending games are subject to CIF’s Sportsmanship and Ejection Policy, as outlined in the Blue Book. “If a spectator is ejected from a contest, it is the responsibility of the school to ensure that person does not attend that team’s next contest.  If the same spectator is ejected a second time, it is the responsibility of the school to ensure that person does not attend any of the remaining contests for that season.”

    NOTE:  High School contests are not public events. They are controlled by the High School and therefore Nordhoff Administration has the right to remove any spectator from a contest, and any spectator may be prohibited from attending a contest in the future for any violation. 


Athletic Clearances are required for all students who wish to try out for any sport, Marching Band and/or color guard, OR combination thereof, during the course of the school year. The “clearance” refers to a student’s desire and physical ability to participate in their sport/activity of choice, as well as permissions and releases from their parents to do so. Nordhoff has transitioned to processing our Athletic Clearances through CIF Home-Campus, which utilizes as a parent portal to securely provide their student information. Please note this is a FREE service to all students and their families, and works best with Google Chrome.

Student athletes and marching band/color guard members can be registered online beginning June 1st for the following school year. Most information will be requested during the online registration process, but a few forms must still be printed and completed. Online registration should take approximately less than 15 minutes. Once all information has been submitted, our Athletic & Music Departments will review the data and “clear” the student for participation in their sport/activity. You will only need to complete the registration ONCE each year, which will cover all sports/activities of your student’s choice.


To begin online registration, go to and register for an account. If needed, select the appropriate language at the top of the page.

Once your parent account is registered, select CLEARANCES at the top of the page, then select START CLEARANCE HERE! Complete all of the information requested. Register your student for the subsequent school year, and the first sport in which they will participate. When entering your student’s grade level, please remember to select the grade they will be in during the school year.

At the end of Step #1, Student Info, be sure to click DOWNLOAD PHYSICAL FORM, print it and have it ready for your student’s scheduled physical. This is the only form that will be accepted as a sports physical from your child’s physician. If a copy of this form is attached to these instruction, you may use this copy, instead of printing again.

Complete all of the information requested and provide electronic signatures from both yourself and your student. After signatures are submitted, you will have the OPTION of making a donation of any amount. This is not required, and you may skip to the Confirmation page.


The confirmation page summarizes the authorizations and limits of liability provided to both parents and school administrators. There is also a link in the body of the Confirmation to print a Parent Driver Packet. Being a Parent Volunteer and/or Driver is optional, but if you choose to be available to support the transportation needs of your student’s events/activities, these forms must be completed and turned into our Athletics office before the scheduled events.

You will have the option of registering your student for additional sports/activities at the bottom of the Confirmation page. Click the box for any additional sports/activities for which you wish to register your student, skipping the one chosen at the beginning of this registration process. Also, click the box acknowledging your electronic signature will be applied to additional clearances. Then, select SUBMIT. If you do not select SUBMIT, your student’s information will not be submitted for the school to review.

You have the option of selecting a Printer Friendly Version of the Confirmation Page on this screen. You may either print this version or the emailed confirmation, which must be signed in ink by both parents and the student. This confirmation must be returned to May Magana, in the Nordhoff Athletic Dept., along with the student’s completed physical, before the student may participate in any practices, games, or tryouts.


If you have more than one student to register for sports/activities, you will have the option to do so after the first student’s Confirmation page is submitted.

At the top of the screen, you may select “Start Clearance Here!” to add an additional student. If the parent information is the same you can select the parent/guardian from a dropdown menu which will autofill that page.

All medical information, electronic signatures, printed Physical Forms and Confirmation pages must be submitted for each student separately.


Sports Physicals are required from all athletes and Marching Band/Color Guard members before they may participate in any practices (including summer practices), tryouts, or games. Physicals are valid for one school year only. Athletes and physicians MUST use the form supplied by Nordhoff; no other form or letter will be accepted.

Physicals may be scanned and uploaded to your account, or you can drop them off to Marissa Vasquez, Athletic Secretary, in the Nordhoff Office. The Nordhoff office will be closed from July 1st through July 20th, so please make sure your Confirmation Page Signatures are submitted before scheduled practices begin.